Blog - Page 4


Cap4 Lab annonce un nouvel actionnaire pour la société

Cap4 Lab est fier d'annoncer la nomination d'un nouvel actionnaire, Pablo Bellissimo, qui rejoint officiellement Mauro Rocco et Fabien Zuili au sein du conseil à partir de décembre 2020.

Pablo a rejoint Cap4 Lab au lancement de la société en mars 2017 et cette nomination est une reconnaissance pour son travail acharné, sa motivation et son expertise. « Pablo Bellissimo est l’exemple parfait d'un employé de confiance et dévoué que toutes les entreprises rêveraient d'avoir. Ses compétences dans le domaine de l'API font partie de notre succès et nous sommes ravis de lui confier une partie de Cap4 Lab », déclarent Fabien et Mauro.


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Cap4 Lab announces a new company shareholder

Cap4 Lab is proud to announce the appointment of a new shareholder, Pablo Bellissimo, who is officially joining Mauro Rocco and Fabien Zuili on the Board as from December 2020.

Pablo has been working for Cap4 Lab since the very beginning in March 2017 and this appointment comes as a recognition for his hard work, continuous motivation and expertise. "Pablo Bellissimo is the perfect example of a trustful and dedicated employee all companies would dream to have. His competencies in the field of API are part of our success and we are delighted to give him a part of Cap4 Lab”, say Fabien and Mauro.


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Cap4 Lab x MuleSoft Meet Up Digital

Implementation of an API-led architecture for a Swiss bank by Cap4Lab
Cap4 Lab is glad to announce its participation at the next Meet Up Digital by MuleSoft on Friday 4th December from 12:30 to 13:30 CET.
During this virtual event, Mauro Rocco, Giuseppe Bassarelli and Christophe Coignus from our team will explain how they successfully implemented MuleSoft Projects for a Swiss Bank! 
Please find here the link to register : 
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ZAP raises capital and hands over operations to Cap4 Group

ZAP announces a major capital increase by its two historic shareholders Patrick Hansen, Director at Saphir Capital Partners and CEO of Luxaviation, and Marc Neuen, Founder and CEO of Linc. Cap4 Group has also entered the capital and just took over the operations of the company.


Zap, founded in 2007, operates the leading Luxembourgish social network By leveraging its extensive experience in the field of social networks and cloud applications development, the company has since developed several products targeted at enterprises. The latter being Squareboard, a digital workplace allowing companies to communicate and collaborate with greater ease across organizational silos by combining traditional intranets and social networks functionalities.




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Evénement: MuleSoft Summit Digital France

Save The Date – Comment accélérez votre stratégie d’API et d’intégration?

Participez au prochain Muelsoft Summit Digital France le jeudi 15 octobre de 9hrs à 11hrs.

Mauro Rocco, CEO de Cap4 Lab y fera une intervention. Enregistrez-vous ici!


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